Vacation Bible School
July 21-24, 2025

Join us for Vacation Bible School at Community!
Vacation Bible School at Community is four fun filled evenings of action and excitement.
With worship, Bible lessons, games, and crafts, we know you'll meet new friends and learn about God's amazing love for you!

6:00-6:30 Opening worship in the sanctuary
6:30-6:50 Preschool and Elementary Age Kids go to first station- Bible Story, Craft, or Game
(At 6:30 Sing N Sprout goes to Nursery for lesson/ songs- 0-3yo (or older kids who prefer to stay in nursery with parent)
6:50-7:10 Rotate to second station- Bible Story, Craft, or Game
7:10-7:30 Rotate to third station- Bible Story, Craft, or Game
7:30-7:45 Everyone returns to the sanctuary for closing songs/prayer 

This year atVBS, each grade will get a visit from the Zoomobile!

Child Sign Up

Volunteer Sign Up

Join us for a life changing VBS adventure!
Watch God at work in the lives of children and see what He does in you!

Together We'll Learn:
Monday's Big Idea: We are created by God.
Tuesday's Big Idea: We are created for a purpose.
Wednesday's Big Idea: We are created for community.
Thursday's Big Idea: We are created to worship.